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Hell and I - #5 Mette

HELL and I is a project about people living in Stockholm, Sweden and their stories told while running. Shortness of breath brings out the best!

HELL and I – #5 Mette

“My grandmother used to tell me that I had a lot of ‘den Frostellska ådran’, meaning = a bit eccentric, adventurous, loads of energy and vivid imagination”.

Always on the cutting edge in each of her chosen fields, Mettes’ adventurous ride aboard cruise ships, in the seat of high performance automobiles and in the business of hotels, has lead her all over the world. Growing up in central Oslo and also a leafy suburb of Stockholm, the half Norwegian/half Swede found a lot of inspiration in her late grandmother. This inspiration has transformed into an aura of confidence, which is probably the reason Downtown Camper by Scandic has Mette positioned as Marketing Manager for their next signature project. Mette is sharp and scares me a little bit, but her laugh and smile (echoes of good times in Paris and London) defuse the fear. While I was running by her side, I was reminded of lyrics written by Billy Corgan for Smashing Pumpkins, so let this be a reference to what I know and respect about Mette, “She’s never giving in and she’ll never be the shine in your spit”!

Who inspires you and why? My late grandmother – beautifully weird, always honest, adventurous and independent.

When you are not running what are you doing? Everything else that makes up for a life.

What is your superpower? “I see dead people. All the time…”

Are you working on any projects right now that you can share publicly? I just started working at Downtown Camper, and we’ve got loads of exciting projects that we are launching in the near future…

If you could have dinner with 3 people dead or alive, who would they be? One person I think would be very interesting talking to, is Carlos Castaneda, a Peruvian-American author who writes about his learnings in ancient Mexican philosophy. Pablo Escobar would be another storyteller at my table. I would also love to meet Freddie Mercury.

Feel good song? Why Go by Pearl Jam

How can people get in touch with you? You can follow DC’s Facebook or Instagram.

‘HELL and I’ is a new Swedish running blog created, directed and hosted by Ssideline City Run Club founder and local influencer Kristian Hell, distributed by Ssideline City. HELL and I is presented by Peak Performance.


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